The Immaculate Conception
I was once asked by a non-Catholic friend to give a talk to a group of London University students on the Immaculate Conception. They were completing a three year course on the production of films and videos and knew their way around the technology of the media. They were intelligent and sophisticated. They did not […]
Mary: Woman of the Spirit
March 14, 2009 by jmurphy
Filed under Images of Mary Today
The last twenty years or so have seen a renewal of interest in the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian. The Charismatic movement has given prominence to the power of the Spirit in the Church, but a lively awareness of his presence is not confined merely to those who belong […]
Mary: The Spirit-filled Woman
March 14, 2009 by jmurphy
Filed under Images of Mary Today
Last month we reflected on Mary and the Holy Spirit by considering the wealth of Old Testament allusion that forms the background to St Luke’s account of the Annunciation. This month let us reflect again on the Annunciation, but this time with a closer focus on the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit at […]