Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 24, 1836: the Society of Mary “drawn up as in battle array”

March 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Sydney Talks

We spent time yesterday getting some sense of what April 29, 1836, meant for the Marist enterprise. Today I invite you to give similar attention to the date of September 24. The brief of April 29 empowered, in a precise and limited way, the priest members of the Society of Mary to elect a superior […]

Marist Roots: Our Shared Vision of the Past

February 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured, Spirituality for Today

On October 2,1868, Father Jeantin wrote Father Colin: Father David and myself found the house at Lyon still quite disturbed over your discussion with Father General in the dining room. Some very quick and very strong words were heard, and some would conclude from this that Father Founder is a victim of his nerves and […]